July 8, 2024

News Buddy


Rahul said- backward, dalit, tribal , poor are not getting anything

2 min read

Korba(TEAM NEWS BUDDY) Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra received a warm welcome in Chhattisgarh on Monday. The journey started from Korba on Monday morning. Former Congress President Rahul Gandhi came out in an open jeep greeting people. On the 30th day of the yatra, a huge crowd gathered to welcome Rahul Gandhi in a traditional manner. During this, Rahul Gandhi also unveiled the statues of former Prime Ministers Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi at Priyadarshini Indira Stadium in Korba.
Addressing the huge group that had come to support the yatra, former Congress President Rahul Gandhi said that the BJP government implemented demonetization and GST. Due to these decisions of the government, small traders were ruined. Today people are not getting employment. People are facing the brunt of inflation.
The former Congress President said that the population of backward class in the country is 50 percent, the population of Dalit class is 16 percent and the population of tribal class is eight percent. This population is 74 percent of the total. But these classes do not participate in different sectors of the country. The entire hard work of these classes is going to the capitalists. Not a single person from these classes owns the country’s top companies and is not involved in the management. Today the entire system is being run for three-four people, the rest of the public is being burdened by inflation.
Rahul Gandhi said that BJP talks about Hindu Rashtra, but the poor of the general category including the backward, Dalit, tribal class of the country are not getting anything. These classes are only there to eat plates, clap and die of hunger. Even at the time of the inauguration of Ram Temple, not a single poor-laborer-farmer-unemployed was seen. Only big capitalists and film stars were seen there.

The former Congress president again attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for calling himself an OBC. He said that Narendra Modi was not born in a backward caste. The BJP government of Gujarat changed his caste to OBC. Rahul Gandhi again reiterated that caste census is the X-ray of the country.

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