July 8, 2024

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74 wild animals died in jungle safari in one year, minister sent show cause notices to officials

2 min read

Raipur. The issue of death of wildlife in jungle safari echoed in the assembly. Congress MLA Sheshraj Harbans raised the issue of death of wildlife. Responding to the MLA’s question, Forest Minister Kedar Kashyap said, between 2023 and January 2024, 74 wildlife have died in jungle safari.
The MLA asked whether negligence of any officer or doctor has come to light in this matter? The minister said that an announcement has been made to get the matter investigated by the Central Zoo Authority. Also, a show cause notice has been issued against Dr. Rakesh Verma and Compounder Sonal Mishra. Assembly Speaker Dr. Raman Singh suggested that an impeccable and skilled doctor be sent there.
Opposition raised questions regarding the deaths of rare Chausinga deer in jungle safari.
Earlier, while drawing attention in the Assembly, Leader of Opposition Dr. Charandas Mahant raised questions on the functioning of the government in the matter of deaths of the rare Chausinga deer in the jungle safari. The Leader of Opposition said that Chausingha is a rare Schedule 1 animal. There was negligence in his safety. There is a lack of qualified people in jungle safari, hence they could not be taken care of. In this case the government is giving protection to the guilty officers. No major action was taken against the officials for this negligence.

In response to the question of the Leader of Opposition, Forest Minister Kedar Kashyap told the House that Chausingha died due to illness. Action was taken as soon as information about the disease was received, while health tests of other Chausingas were also conducted on time. Action has been taken against three guilty officers in this case. Notice has been issued to other officers. The Forest Minister acknowledged that the death of Chausingha is unfortunate, adding that action has been taken against those who are guilty. The report has also been sent to the Central Zoo Authority.

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