July 8, 2024

News Buddy


Paddy procurement at slow pace, farmers demand extension in date

2 min read

Government should set a revised target of 170 lakh metric tonnes on 32.99 lakh hectare registered area at the rate of 21 quintals per acre.

Raipur (Piyush Mishra) : Demanding to increase the target and date of paddy procurement, farmers have said that since the coming of Bharatiya Janata Party government in Chhattisgarh, the system of issuing tokens and the lifting of paddy from weighing and collection centers has also slowed down in the state. Exploitation of farmers and anti-farmer conspiracy is the basic character of BJP. The previous government had set a total target of 135 to 140 lakh metric tonnes for procurement at the rate of 20 quintals per acre for the Kharif season 2023-24. On one hand, Vishnudev government issued an order to purchase 21 quintals per acre, but maliciously reduced the target of total paddy purchase to 130 lakh metric tons. The speed of weighing has also been maliciously reduced. The farmers’ union has demanded that the government set a revised target of 170 lakh metric tons on the registered area of ​​32.99 lakh hectares at the rate of 21 quintals per acre.

About 7 lakh farmers have not been able to sell their paddy till now. Long queues are forming in many paddy procurement centers for tokens and weighing. Farmers are suffering only because of the condition and ill-will of the BJP government. Instead of improving the system, the current government is strangulating the rights of the farmers by reducing the target.

When Newsbuddy. Co. In talked to regional MLA Inder Jeet Sahu bout this matter, he said that our government is working very well. Farmers do not need to worry. Modi’s guarantee is that the difference amount will be fulfilled in any case. Payment will also be made soon.
However, at present the date till 31st January has been fixed for the purchase of paddy and the views of every person are different, some are definitely believing and trusting that the government will give the money and some people say that if the government If it goes back on its promise, its consequences will definitely be seen in the Lok Sabha.

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