July 8, 2024

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Pt. Harishankar Shukla Memorial College hosts programme on electoral process

1 min read

Raipur: To bring awareness among the youth towards electoral process , Pandit Harishankar Shukla Memorial College , as per the instructions of Election Commission hosted programme here. The students of NSS wing and electoral club took part in the event, which received good response. To mark the occasion, students opted salad theme as a competitive level.
According to Dr Mamta Sharma, principal Pt Harishankar Shukla Memorial College, students in large number took part in the competition depicting electoral process theme through various salad preparations. She further added that election process is the most important part of democracy, hence every citizen should use his vote properly in making good governance and law and order. Beside this by using the power of their vote in elections, the youth can bring many changes, hence today’s youth can get equal opportunities for development in every field. In the competition D Vijaya Girish (B.Ed 4th Sem) bagged first prize while Ashok Tandi (B.Com 1st Year) and Surbhi Singh (B.Ed 4th Sem.) won second and third prizes.

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