September 20, 2024

News Buddy

Big change in Chhattisgarh Congress after 9-10 July

1 min read

Raipur (Team Newsbuddy): There is going to be a big change in Congress soon. Discussions are going on to change the presidents and office bearers of many districts of Chhattisgarh. Apart from this, there is a preparation to appoint office bearers on the basis of performance. Regarding this matter, PCC Chief Deepak Baij said that, this subject has also been discussed with the state in-charge Sachin Pilot. Soon many changes will be seen in the State Congress Committee. Hardworking people will also be appointed in the posts which are vacant.

Meeting to be held in Rajiv Bhawan…

Chhattisgarh Congress will have marathon meetings after two days. This meeting will be held in Rajiv Bhawan on 9th and 10th July. A meeting of senior leaders and district presidents is going to be held on 9th July. At the same time, a meeting will be held on July 10 regarding Raipur South by-election. During this, all the major leaders of Raipur will be present in the meeting.

Demand to declare cow as national animal…

Muslim Mahasabha has demanded to declare cow as national animal. In this matter, state Congress president Deepak Baij said that, this work was to be done by BJP. But it doesn’t matter, if Muslim society is doing this then we welcome it. BJP only does politics in the name of cow. The maximum beef export has happened during BJP government. These people do politics in the name of cow service.

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