July 3, 2024

News Buddy


Government reduces weight of children’s school bags

2 min read

Issued new guidelines, one day there will be no bag day

Bhopal. Nowadays, more weight is put on the bags of children in schools. Children complain of back pain and shoulder pain due to the excess weight of the bag. Parents were also worried about this, but now to provide relief from this, the Directorate of Public Instruction has issued an order for school bag policy. According to the order issued, there will be a no bag day in the schools of the state. On other days, bags will be brought as per the weight of the bag prescribed by the Directorate of Public Instruction. For which weight limit has also been fixed from class 1st to 12th.

Weight of the bag determined by the Directorate of Public Instruction

First class- 1.6-2.2 kg.
Second class- 1.6-2.2 kg.
Third class- 1.7-2.5 kg.
Fourth class- 1.7-2.5 kg.
Fifth class – 1.7-2.5 kg.
Sixth class – 2-3 kg.
Seventh class – 2-3 kg.
Eighth class – 2.5-4.0 kg.
Ninth class – 2.5-4.5 kg.
Tenth class- 2.5-4.5 kg.

The department will decide the limit of weight of bags of class 11th and 12th in schools. This policy will be pasted in all private and government schools. Children will have to go to school without bags once a week. It has been said that action will be taken if instructions are not followed. All district education officers have also been instructed to conduct surprise inspections.
The government has given orders before also. But in private schools, the bags weigh more than the weight of the children. The weight prescribed by the government for the children of first class and second class ranges from 1 kg to 2.5 kg, but a weight of 15 to 20 kg is imposed on them. Due to which it has a deep impact on the body of children. Because of this, children often complain of shoulder and back pain. Due to all these reasons parents also have to face problems.

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