July 5, 2024

News Buddy


Rupee value has fallen by Rs 25 due to wrong policies of Modi Government- Congress

2 min read

Raipur. State Congress President Deepak Baij said that when BJP came to power in 2014, the value of one dollar was Rs 59. Today BJP has increased it from Rs 59 to Rs 84. The weakening of Rupee has a direct impact on the pocket of the common man: The value of Rupee decides the price at which we will get the goods imported from abroad. In 2014, if any goods costing 1 dollar came from abroad, then we had to pay 59 rupees. Today we have to pay 84 rupees for the same goods worth 1 dollar. The extra 25 rupees that we have to pay is due to the falling value of Rupee. When goods imported from abroad will come to the country at a higher price, then it is obvious that people will also get them at a higher price.

State Congress President Deepak Baij said that India imports its crude oil at $ 80 per barrel. Most of this has to be paid in dollars. Due to the weakening of the rupee, India is now buying fuel at a higher price. Whenever you go to a petrol pump, the common man has to bear the brunt of the weakening of the rupee. When fuel becomes expensive, the transportation cost of all kinds of goods increases. Therefore, all kinds of goods including food and drinks are becoming expensive. When you go to the market to buy groceries, you have to pay a higher price due to the weakening of the rupee.

State Congress President Deepak Baij said that when inflation increases, the RBI will also increase interest rates to control high prices. This will increase the EMI of the loan. If someone has taken a home loan, car loan or education loan, he will be forced to pay more interest to the bank – all this is due to the weakening of the rupee.

State Congress President Deepak Baij said that before 2014, even when the value of the rupee had fallen relatively less, BJP leaders used to talk big. Remember, how many bad things the then Chief Minister of Gujarat had said while linking the value of the rupee and the age of Dr. Manmohan Singh? The value of the rupee has fallen below its age long ago.

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