September 22, 2024

News Buddy

Unprecedent delay in releasing voting data is giving rise to doubts , worrying for democracy’

3 min read

In an event organized by State Press Club, Madhya Pradesh, analysts unanimously said…

Indore (Team Newsbuddy): This time, the historic delay in releasing the final data of the first phase of voting and the increase of about six percent in the data of both the rounds from the previously announced data is not only worrying but also gives rise to many doubts. The decline in the credibility of the Election Commission due to its lax and biased attitude is harmful for the entire democracy and the reputation of the country.

These views were expressed by analysts from various backgrounds in a group discussion ‘ECG of EVM’ organized by State Press Club, Madhya Pradesh. Former National Secretary of Congress and senior journalist Pankaj Sharma, senior journalist Jayashree Pingale, social worker and former administrative officer Rameshwar Gupta and social media influencer Girish Malviya expressed these views.

Pankaj Sharma said that the unprecedented delay in releasing the data and the incompleteness of the data is shocking, worrisome and a mockery of democracy. The six percent increase in the released data confirms the doubts on EVMs. He said that manipulation of EVMs is possible, hundreds of videos, notes of presiding officers and incidents show that EVMs are not foolproof. The exclusion of a Supreme Court Justice from the selection of the Election Commission Commissioner, the resignation of the Election Commissioner just before the elections etc. bring the intentions of the government into doubt. Doubting the intentions of the Election Commission and the government is in itself worrisome for democracy. Earlier, governments were toppled by buying MLAs, and now, like in Indore-Surat, candidates are being bought. These are signs that if the public does not wake up now, elections will not be allowed to take place in the future. Due to all these activities, old BJP members are getting restless and the image of the Sangh is also getting tarnished. The announcement of the Sangh not celebrating its centenary year is a sign of differences between the Sangh and Modi-Shah.
Former ADM and Chairman of Abhyas Mandal Rameshwar Gupta told from his administrative experience that doubts are natural due to such a delay in releasing the final figures of voting percentage. He expressed disappointment over repeated doubts being raised by the activities of the Election Commission. Giving the example of Gujarat, he told that instead of the Election Commission of India, the EVM machines of the State Election Commission had reached there for the elections. He also supported the demand for giving the exact figures of voting.

Senior journalist Jayshree Pingale said that to know why there was such a delay, the script of the eleven days should be revealed. Questioning the Election Commission is a question on the entire democracy. Today the working of the Election Commission has reached a pathetic state. Very quietly many constitutional institutions of the country are being weakened. In this election, the question is not only about the opposition but also about democracy. The delay of eleven days is showing a frightening scene. Democracy is crumbling in the circle of majoritarianism.

Political analyst Girish Malviya said that technology has saved time everywhere, but the Election Commission has caused an unprecedented delay in this era. The credibility of the Election Commission, which was at its peak during Seshan sahab’s time, is declining year after year. Manipulation by the government is increasing so much that the role of the Chief Justice was eliminated from the selection of the commissioner and commissioners like Ashok Lavasa were forced to resign. He gave many examples and explained how it has been proved many times that EVMs are hackable. 19 lakh EVM machines are missing, that is, they left the manufacturing company but did not reach the Election Commission. After a delay of 11 days, the percentage of the figure increased by 6%. If we connect these links, we can understand what kind of game is possible. If elections are to be held like this, then what will be the meaning of democracy?

At the beginning of the program, Praveen Kumar Khariwal, Ganesh S. Chaudhary, Krishnakant Vyas, Sudesh Gupta and Santosh Rupita welcomed. Alok Bajpai conducted and expressed gratitude.

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