September 22, 2024

News Buddy

Amalai Soda Factory gas leak: Gas victims’ organizations hold management responsible

1 min read

Bhopal (Team Newsbuddy): Gas victims’ organizations held the state government and management responsible for the leakage of chlorine gas in Amalai Soda Factory Anuppur due to the leakage of chlorine gas in Amalai Soda Factory, there was panic among the people living near the factory because the people living near the factory did not have any information about what is produced in this factory. Gas victims’ organizations held the factory management responsible for the leakage of chlorine gas from the factory. President of Gas Victims Destitute Pension Beneficiaries Sangharsh Morcha, Balkrishna Namdev said that the state government has not learned any lesson from the Bhopal Gas Tragedy. If a lesson had been learned, then such a big accident of deadly chlorine gas from the soda factory would not have happened. Nasreen and Nawab Bhai of Gas Victims Women and Men Front demanded from the state government that the affected people should be given proper compensation immediately and proper arrangements for treatment should also be made. President of Gas Victims Women Stationery Employees Union, Rashida Bhi said that the state government should take strict legal action against the factory management

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