July 1, 2024

News Buddy


Sordid tale of Sakreli Baradwar village: NO WEDDING BELLS PAST THREE YEARS

3 min read

Raipur (Team Newsbuddy) : Even though we are living in the 21st century, there are still some evils which are not leaving humans behind. One of these evils is social exclusion, which about 80-85 poor tribal families in village Sakreli Baradwar, adjacent to Sakti District Office, are facing for the last 3 years. The situation is such that life has become difficult for these families. The people of their own society do not want to talk to them nor do they want to do any kind of transaction with them. The milkman does not give them milk and the vegetable vendor refuses to sell them vegetables.
Villager Santosh Kanwar told that in his village Amadhara, 3 years ago, an illegal house was being constructed on government land near the village square by Professor Bhuneshwar Kawar. After the complaint, when the investigation found the complaint to be true, the administration demolished their illegal occupation. Bhuneshwar Kavar was enraged by this and misused his good reputation, along with the officials of Kavar Khalsa Samaj, he organized a social boycott of about 85 families.

/// No marriage past three years

Laxmin Kanwar told that ever since he has been ostracized from the society, people of the society do not want to have relations with him and he is not invited to any social program. The villagers told with tears in their eyes that we cannot go to our relatives’ places even after the death of our parents. If we go to their house, they will also be ostracized from the society. Along with this, fine will also be imposed. Due to being outside the regional level society, their marriageable sons and daughters are not able to get married, because due to being social outcasts in the entire state, no one wants to have any relation with them.

///To boycott the elections

The victims told that they have been kept away from the society for a long time and they have also complained about this to the Tehsildar and Police Station Incharge Baradwar. But without taking any action in the matter, only assurance was given to him. It is clearly written in the application that if we do not give Rs 23 lakh 10 thousand to the society within 10 days, we will be kept out of the society forever. While talking to the media, the villagers said that if our demands are not met soon, we will boycott the Lok Sabha elections.

It’s learnt that the victims have appealed to CM Vishnu Dev Sai through the media and said that we are poor tribals, from where will we get Rs 23 lakh. Instruct the officials to reinstate us in our society without paying any fine. Before this, there was Congress government in the state and this problem is not leaving them since their tenure. But now at present there is a government with BJP in Chhattisgarh, in which the Chief Minister is also a tribal. That is why we villagers have so much hope from the Chief Minister that he will understand our grief.

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