June 29, 2024

News Buddy


New security camp in Maad, change in thinking of villagers

2 min read

Raipur: Naxal-hit areas where all the houses are made of thatched roofs, and their bamboo walls are supported by unstable wooden logs, there were never hand pumps, no electric poles, no schools, no hospitals, not even gram panchayat buildings. No People here have rarely even heard the sound of a motorcycle.
But for the last few days, the security forces have been doing excellent work in these areas, through which they have been successful in instilling a sense of security in the hearts of the local residents and are proving their commitment by providing security to the development works in the area.
In this episode, security forces established a new camp in Dondribeda of Narayanpur. After which the administration has started the construction work of paved road from Maspur to Sonpur under the supervision of security forces with the aim of all-round development of Maad area. Due to the construction of this road, people of dozens of villages including Metanar, Garpa, Brahbeda, Irpanar, Alahanar and Dondribeda, who were earlier forced to walk on footpaths and unpaved roads in the jungle bushes, faced difficulties like rivers, streams and hills. Now they will be able to travel their way in less time and connect with cities by using bicycles, motorcycles and other vehicles. With easy transportation, local people will be able to increase their means of livelihood by joining new businesses.

Since the establishment of the camp, the people of the community seem very happy and adventurous and are openly praising this development to the police administration.

Even today, in areas where there are no security camps, people have to oppose the developmental schemes run by the government under the pressure of Maoists. But deep down they are also ready to welcome development with security. They want that a security camp should be established in their area also so that there can be a positive change in their lives.

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