July 3, 2024

News Buddy


Liquor lovers disappointed with increase in liquor prices

2 min read

Raipur: The concern of liquor lovers has increased regarding the increase in liquor prices in Chhattisgarh, they are terming this system of the government as wrong. At the same time, this topic has become an important part of the news report. People who drink alcohol, while giving their reaction, said that the government increases the price of liquor after seeing its own benefit. It has no concern with the pockets of the common people.

They say that the increased prices can put a burden on the budget of consumers, due to which excessive expenditure is affecting their financial condition. Also, health related problems are also arising from this. It is necessary for the government to pay attention to this issue and find a solution for social upliftment. Earlier the price of liquor was increased by 2-5, but now despite being a government contract, the price of liquor has been increased by hundreds of rupees, due to which the drinkers are facing a lot of problems.

During the discussion, the liquor shop operator said that the price increase has not had any significant effect on the sales. At the same time, an old man who has been drinking alcohol for years said that people of the tribal community drink more alcohol. After the Chief Minister is also a tribal, the tribals have to pay a higher price for alcohol. Earlier the price of liquor used to be increased by 2-5 rupees, but now despite it being a government contract, the price of liquor has been increased by hundreds of rupees, which is causing a lot of trouble to the drinkers.

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