September 21, 2024

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2nd UICC International Open FIDE Rating Rapid Chess tournament from today

2 min read

By Narendra Bhale

Indore : The much talked about 2nd UICC International Open FIDE Rating Rapid Chess tournament with prize money of Rs. 3 lakhs will be inaugurated on Saturday.
380 players from across the country will compete against each other.
Dewas Collector Rishav Gupta, Municipal Corporation Additional Commissioner Siddharth Jain, International Master Himal Gusai and Asian player Kiana Parihar are also playing in the tournament.
The organizing body of the tournament is Unite Indore Chess Club which has been continuously organizing excellent chess tournaments. In the same series, this two-day 2nd UICC International Open FIDE Rating Rapid Chess tournament with prize money of Rs. 3 lakhs is being played in the Abhay Prashal campus from 13th April to 14th April in the memory of renowned senior editor, Padma and journalist, late Abhay Chhajlani.

The chief patron of the tournament are Vinay Chhajlani, patrons are Jayesh Acharya and Nilesh Ved.

Secretary Soni said that in the open category, the winners of the competition will get a glittering trophy along with Rs. 30 thousand, while the second and third will get Rs. 25 and 20 thousand respectively, while about Rs. 1.5 lakhs will be distributed as prize money in this open category. The remaining amount of Rs. 1.5 lakhs will be given in various category awards along with trophies and medals, the details of which are as follows: Apart from the rating category Below-2000, Below-1800 and Below-1600, Best Unrated, Best Veteran, Best Female, Best Indore, Best Madhya Pradesh, Best Physically Challenged Category and children’s 5 age groups like Under-15, 13, 11, 09 and 07, cash and attractive trophies are also included, along with the youngest boy and girl, as well as the best school prize (trophy).

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