July 5, 2024

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Talks between America , Iraq on after Iran’s attack on Israel

1 min read

New York: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has spoken to Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister Mohammad Ali Tamim about the security of the Middle East.

This was in the context of Iran’s attack on Israel on Saturday.

Blinken told Tamim that the US does not want to escalate tensions with Iran, but it will stand with Israel.

Tamim has expressed concern about his government pushing the region towards war and posing a threat to international peace and security.

Iran fired about 300 drones and missiles at Israel late Saturday night. Israel says it shot down about 99 percent of the drones and missiles before they entered Israeli airspace.

Iran has described this attack as a retaliation for the deadly attack on the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital Damascus on April 1.

A total of 13 people were killed in this attack, including Revolutionary Guard commander Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and his deputy.

Israel has not taken responsibility for the attack on the Iranian consulate. But it is believed that Israel was behind this attack.

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