July 8, 2024

News Buddy


BJP wants to end reservation by changing constitution: Congress

2 min read

Raipur (Team Newsbuddy): State Congress President Deepak Baij said that the statements of BJP leaders and Narendra Modi’s close aides have now made it clear that their aim is to change the constitution and destroy the country’s democracy. To take away the reservation of Dalits, backward and tribals and end their participation in running the country. But to protect the constitution and reservation, Congress is standing like a rock in the way of BJP. As long as Congress is there, no power in the world can take away the reservation of the deprived. If Congress forms the government at the center, Congress will implement share justice for the socially deprived people. Share justice in the Congress’s justice document will bring revolutionary changes in the social structure of India. For the last seven decades, the Congress party has been raising its voice most vocally for the rights and entitlements of the backward, deprived, oppressed and exploited classes and castes of the society. Congress has been constantly making efforts for their progress. But discrimination on the basis of caste is still the reality of our society. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes are about 70 percent of the country’s population, but their participation in good jobs, good professions and high positions is very less. Such inequality, discrimination and lack of opportunity on the basis of birth should not be tolerated in any modern society.

Deepak Baij said that the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Modi government at the Center only pretend to be public-spirited, the reality is that their focus is only on the profits of their capitalist friends. Modi, who calls himself from the backward class, did not tell why the bill giving the benefit of 27 percent reservation to the backward class in Chhattisgarh is imprisoned in the Raj Bhavan for the last one and a half years? Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai, who pretends to be a tribal-friendly person, should tell how long will the bill providing 32 percent reservation for tribals be kept hostage in the Raj Bhavan? Why is he silent on the anti-tribal amendments made by the Modi government in the Forest Rights Act?

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