September 22, 2024

News Buddy

Laborers celebrated May Day in mine colony

2 min read

Raipur (Team Newsbuddy): The Lal Jhanda Jhuggi Jhopdi Ekta Sangh of the mine Dagniya colony hoisted the flag on the occasion of May 1st Labor Day and celebrated May Day by holding a public meeting. On this occasion, an open discussion was organized in the mine colony on the role of workers in the development of the country and why the right labor policy and protection of the Constitution is necessary for the workers. The development of the movement against exploitation on a global scale was discussed in detail. Strongly criticizing the change in the labor law achieved after a long struggle by the Modi government at the Center, the speakers demanded its cancellation. Recalling the battle fought by the Chicago martyrs on the historical importance of May Day, the speakers said that the fight for the right to 8 hours of work 138 years ago has become more relevant again today because the Modi government is allowing the owners to work for 12 hours. Despite the role of public sector in national development, the central government is criticizing its indiscriminate privatization and the attack on the invaluable contribution of workers at all levels of private and social sector and the rights given by Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar in the Constitution. CITU state secretary Comrade Dharmaraj Mohapatra, CPI (M) district secretary, main comrades of the workers’ movement Pradeep Gabhane, Ajay Kannoje, CPI (M) district committee member Sheetal Patel called for constitutional rights, social security, working for 8 hours, achieving a life of self-respect and intensifying the daily struggle. Slum union leader Sheetal Patel, Jwala Prasad Devangan, Suresh Devangan, Godavari Tarak, Pushpa Verma, Tilak Verma, Tilak Devangan, Mohan Dhruv, Tulsi Prajapati, Uma Devangan and other comrades expressed their views in the Labor Day celebration and this discussion continued till 10:00 pm late at night. In this, a pledge was taken to get organised to make the coming struggle more sharp, to defeat the communal forces in the elections and considering this election as an important responsibility, to defeat the BJP which is responsible for inflation, unemployment, the plight of the farmers in the country and to unite to form an alternative government.

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