July 3, 2024

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Huia bird feather sold for 23 lakhs

1 min read

Auckland: A feather of the extinct New Zealand Huia bird has been auctioned for $28,417. This price in Indian rupees is around Rs 23 lakh.
The auction company says that they expected to get up to 3 thousand dollars but the auction of this feather has broken the old records.
This bird used to be very sacred for the Maori people, the tribe of New Zealand.
These people used to put the feather of this bird on their turban, or this feather was also used as a gift.
According to the New Zealand Museum, this bird was last seen in 1907.
There were some unconfirmed reports of it being seen even two to three decades ago.
This bird was known for its jumping ability and beautiful feathers. The auction company says the feather auctioned on Monday is in good condition and was not damaged by insects.

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