September 28, 2024

News Buddy

Man with unique passion

2 min read

By Durva Kapoor

In our city of Indore, there lives a man with a passion for the unique – Avinash Motiwale. His collection boasts over 1000 keychains, each a meticulously chosen piece. Avinash’s keychain collecting journey began in 1978, sparked by a gift from his brother.

When asked how did this interesting hobby start he said “i got a keychain as a gift from my brother, and once when someone wanted a keychain for their keys, i asked them to take that and give me one in return, and just like that i started collecting them.

” What’s truly remarkable is that every single keychain in Avinash’s collection is a gift, received from all corners of the globe. Another compelling fact about his keychain collection is that he has never bought any of those keychains, every single one of them has been gifted to him. This adds a deeper layer to his collection transforming it into a chronicle of connections and experiences.Avinash categorizes his keychains meticulously. Animal-shaped keychains hold a special place, each one a reminder of a specific creature or a cherished encounter. Antiques like miniature record players, cameras, and even tiny tools add a touch of history to the collection. There are keychains shaped like shoes, representing the diverse places his network of friends and family span.

Avinash doesn’t just collect keychains; he curates a tapestry of time and connection.In a world increasingly focused on the digital and disposable, Avinash Motiwale’s keychain collection stands as a testament to the enduring value of tangible objects.

His collection is not just a display of trinkets, it’s a celebration of diversity, a chronicle of history, and a heartwarming reminder of the connections we forge through simple acts of giving and receiving.

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