July 3, 2024

News Buddy


India’s representation will increase in upcoming Olympics: Sahdev Yadav

2 min read

Special campaign started to find talent in the country

Indore (Team Newsbuddy): India’s representation will increase in the upcoming Olympics and players will also bring medals. We have started preparing players and we have prepared a plan for 2028, 2032 and 2036. Especially women players have high expectations of winning medals. This time also, silver medalist Mira Bai Chanu is representing India in Tokyo Olympics.

This was said by the President of the Indian Weightlifting Association, Treasurer of the Indian Olympic Association and Commonwealth Weightlifting Association Vice President Sahdev Yadav, who came to participate in the Asmita Khelo India Women’s League Weightlifting Competition. He said that we have started preparations for the future Olympic Games from now itself. In the next Olympics itself, 5-6 of our players will participate and will also bring medals.

There is no dearth of talent in the country and we have started preparations to find it. We have created a program for talent search. Under this, we are organizing a camp in every state, in which we will select young children and then provide all facilities in a city to prepare them. This process is being started in the entire country.

Coaches are also being trained

Weightlifting is a very risky sport, young children should do this sport only under the supervision of a coach. To prepare the coaches, we have called a special experienced coach from Egypt. Through which we are preparing coaches in the country. Three levels of coaching are also being provided. Through which young children will get proper guidance.

Penalty is collected from those who fail dope test

We run a lot of awareness programs to prevent players from taking drugs, players and coaches are instructed before every competition. Despite this, if a player fails the dope test, now penalty is collected from the coaches along with the player.

On this occasion, S.H. Anand Gowda, Karnataka (Honorary General Secretary Indian Weightlifting Association), K. Subramanyam, Karnataka (Chairman Technical Committee Indian Weightlifting Association, International Category 1 Referee Weightlifting, Competition Director Asmita Khelo India Women League) along with Dr. Sharad Nagar, Ujjain, Secretary Madhya Pradesh Weightlifting Association were also specially present.

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