September 19, 2024

News Buddy

“Immediate need of Bangladesh is elected govt of People, not superimposed regime”

2 min read

New Delhi (Team Newsbuddy): Overthrowing of the corrupt and repressive Sheikh Hasina government in Bangladesh, having links with the fascist and expansionist Indian regime, by the massive and powerful people’s upsurge in Bangladesh, started by the students, is a welcome move.

However, the superimposed interim government led by Nobel laureate Mohamed Yunus, with his roots deep in Western imperialist centres and US-led neoliberal ideological think-tanks, prove the failure of the people’s movement in achieving its declared goals. More specifically, since Dr. Yunus has little root in Bangladesh polity and people’s movement and being acclaimed as pioneer of World Bank’s global “microcredit” program which is used to impart a “human face” to neoliberal globalisation, the situation in Bangladesh is ripe for an intensification of the anti-people and pro-corporate neocolonial-neoliberal offensive from imperialist centres.

The composition of the interim government, in which most of the portfolios are confined to Yunus himself, Ministry of Law and Order rendered to military stalwart and remaining portfolios overwhelmingly left to NGO leaders, clearly points to the impending crisis. Women’s representation in the interim government is not at all sufficient.

The Bangladesh episode and the developments therefrom once again bring to the fore that without a powerful political alternative and leadership including a people’s development perspective, capable to resist and defeat neoliberalism and neo-fascism, and as evidenced during the “Arab Sprung” in Egypt, any movement, however massive it is, can be hijacked and diverted by neoliberal and reactionary forces.

The immediate need of Bangladesh is a secular democratic government with a pro-people and pro-women orientation led by all the genuine democratic and progressive forces of Bangladesh. A superimposed puppet regime of the neoliberal forces as the present one will only lead the country to further intensification of the political and economic crises of the country worsened by both imperialist and expansionist forces.

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