September 18, 2024

News Buddy

R Shivabhogam became first accountant, created stir in country

2 min read

From Newsbuddy Desk

In 1933, R Shivabhogam created a stir in the country by becoming the first accountant. Her initiative opened a new path for women in this profession.

At present, there are a total of 3 lakh 90 thousand CA professionals in our country. About one third of them are female chartered accountants. Their number is around 1,25,000. Just 6 years ago i.e. in 2018, their number was only 64,685. That is, their number doubled in 6 years.
You will be surprised to know that till 1933 there was not a single female CA in the country because before this the profession was not considered for women. In 1933, this barrier was broken by the country’s first chartered accountant R Shivabhogam. After studying at Lady Wellington School in Chennai, she graduated from Queen Mary College. During those days, she also joined Mahatma Gandhi’s Civil Disobedience Movement. When she was caught, she was jailed for 1 year. While in jail, Shivabhogam took a new decision, to become a chartered accountant. As soon as she was released from jail, she registered for a diploma course in accountancy.
By becoming the first accountant in 1933, she created a stir across the country. Her initiative opened a new path for women in this profession. Women were pleasantly surprised by her achievement. Shivabhogam wanted to practice independently as an accountant, but the law of the British Raj was that a person who has served a sentence in jail cannot practice as an accountant. R Shivabhogam filed a petition opposing this law. The court ruled in her favour.

In 1937, she started practising as an independent accountant. When the body was established in 1950, she became its member and fellow. She also became the first woman president of the South India Regional Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. A social worker and philanthropist, Shivabhogam audited many social organisations without taking any remuneration. She also audited various government institutions including the Reserve Bank of India. She has done remarkable work in the field of women’s education. She was a supporter of women’s empowerment. She also gave many scholarships in the name of her father.
A Gandhian, Shivabhogam wore only Khadi clothes all her life, till the day of her death on 14 June 1966. As part of the Swadeshi League, she worked from learning Khadi-based block printing to actively boycotting foreign goods. In 1956, she started giving a gold locket as an award to the best female candidate who passed the final examination conducted by ICAE in the first attempt. Any female chartered accountant today takes the name of R Shivabhogam with pride

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