September 19, 2024

News Buddy

Tehsildars were transferred against the rules by taking amount: Congress

2 min read

Raipur(Team Newsbuddy): Senior spokesperson of the state Congress Dhananjay Singh Thakur said that Tehsildars have been transferred against the rules by taking a huge amount in minister bungalows. Tehsildars were transferred just 3 months before the assembly elections, Tehsildars were transferred twice in 9 months as soon as the government was formed. The rules of transparent posting have been kept aside. Tehsildars working at one place for a long time were not given the benefit of transfer, rather the list of transfer was made by making transactions. There are many Tehsildars who have been transferred four times in four months. A woman Tehsildar had applied for transfer due to her family reason, Rs 15 lakh was demanded from her in lieu of transfer, due to non-payment of money, she was not transferred.

Senior spokesperson of the state Congress Dhananjay Singh Thakur said that the transfer industry was going on even during the 15 years of BJP government. In the 9 months of government, BJP leaders and RSS affiliated organizations are repeatedly writing letters to transfer people as per their wish, many letters have been made public on social media. BJP agents have become active in every department, people working are being harassed, they are transferred with malicious intent. The basic work of BJP is to take commission, do corruption, to what extent they can stoop for illegal and black money, it has become clear from the transfer list of Tehsildar. Congress Party demands that strict action should be taken against those involved in improper transfer of Tehsildar, those doing transactions, the accused of Tehsildar should be investigated, the transfer list should be cancelled and the transfer list should be issued again as per the set rule

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