September 19, 2024

News Buddy

World Ozone Day Celebrated in SoS in Economics

2 min read

On the occasion of World Ozone day special lecture has been organized in the School of Studies in Economics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,Raipur ( C. G) under the umbrella of departmental Eco Club . Dr. Rohini Prasad, Professor, SoS in Economics is the keynote speaker of this occasion. In his keynote address Sir has mentioned about ozone depletion and its impact on the social Aspects. He opined that ozone depletion leads to loss in economic welfare. Starting from its discovery and formation, Sir has focused on the health and environmental aspects of ozone layer depletion, followed by the role of international agreements starting from Montreal Protocol, Vienna convention and Kigali amendment. Sir has also thrown light on ozone hole and its economic impacts. In the second part of his lecture Sir has focused upon the role of India in ozone layer protection and also shed light on the environmental protection efforts to control the depletion of Ozone layer.

Dr. Archana Sethi, Assistant Professor, SoS in Economics in her welcome address has discussed about the importance of Ozone layer in the environment and focused about it’s graving conditions in the present scenario. She has also urged for paying the utmost importance towards it’s conservation through eco friendly manner. Dr. Ravindra K Brahme, Professor and Head, SoS in Economics in his concluding remarks has thrown light on various environmental issues starting from the Montreal Protocol and Paris Agreement, followed by the harmful effects of Chlorofluorocarbon in the environment. Sir has concluded his words by quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ” I never intend to adjust myself to economic conditions that will take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few.” And urged for a circular economy where resources are utilised in a sustainable manner instead of a linear economy. Prof B. L. Sonekar, Dr. Sunil Kumeti, Shri C. K. Verma along with research scholars and students of M. A first and third semesters were attended the event. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Pragati Krishnan, the coordinator of the event and the event was hosted by Linnet Mathew, student of first semester.

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