September 20, 2024

News Buddy

Minister, tehsildar commit corruption should be suspended: Congress

2 min read

Raipur(Team Newsbuddy): State Congress Communication Department President Sushil Anand Shukla took a dig at the suspension of Tehsildar who had alleged transaction in the transfer of Tehsildars and said that it is very unfortunate that the minister commits corruption and the Tehsildar gets suspended. In the BJP government, the corrupt get protection. The way the transfer of Tehsildars was done by taking a huge amount and keeping the rules aside. After the minister’s illegal extortion in the transfer posting was exposed, the Tehsildar who raised his voice for the innocent and right has been suspended to save the corrupt minister.

State Congress Communication Department President Sushil Anand Shukla said that Revenue Minister Tank Ram Verma has been accused of transferring Tehsildars as per his wish by exchanging money. If Tank Ram Verma had morality, he would have resigned from the post after the allegations and by the time he was freed from the charges, he would have assumed the post of minister. But here the opposite is happening, action is being taken against the accuser and the one who has been accused is being protected. There is no such thing as honesty in the government. Honesty and BJP are two opposite sides, BJP means only corruption.

State Congress Communication Department President Sushil Anand Shukla said that the suspended Tehsildar should be reinstated immediately. The Tehsildar’s allegation should be investigated. Minister Tank Ram Verma should be removed from the post and the transfer list which has been issued against the rules should be examined and transfers should be done as per the rules.

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