September 29, 2024

News Buddy

‘SDM should inspect beat area for traffic control, improve arrangements’

2 min read

Collector Ashish Singh hosts meeting of beat in-charges for traffic improvement

Indore (Team Newsbuddy) : A meeting of beat in-charges appointed for traffic improvement and control of Indore city was held today under the chairmanship of Collector . In the meeting, Collector Ashish Singh gave necessary guidelines to all the beat in-charges regarding traffic control. Municipal Corporation Commissioner Shivam Verma, Additional Collector Jyoti Sharma, DCP . Arvind Tiwari, zone in-charges made for traffic control, officers of Revenue, Municipal Corporation and Police Department and beat in-charge were present in the meeting.

In the meeting, Collector Ashish Singh directed that all SDMs and ACPs should inspect the beat area determined under their respective zones and take stock of the traffic control and improvement arrangements and organize a meeting of beat in-charges. He directed that the beat in-charge and the employees included in the team should take the cooperation of the shopkeepers of the concerned area by giving necessary information regarding traffic improvement as per the responsibility assigned. He directed that small efforts should be made to remove shop goods, boards, and haphazardly placed vehicles on the footpaths outside shops. Necessary instructions should be given for this. Necessary instructions should also be given to ensure that two-wheelers and four-wheelers are not parked on the footpaths. Customers who come to shops with their vehicles should be encouraged to park systematically. To improve traffic, necessary action should be ensured by taking suggestions from shopkeepers and constantly communicating with them. Collector Ashish Singh directed that action should be taken against those affecting traffic despite instructions.
He directed that small efforts should be made to remove the goods, boards, and haphazardly placed vehicles on the footpath outside the shops. Necessary advice should be given for this. Necessary advice should also be given to ensure that two-wheelers and four-wheelers are not parked on the footpath. Customers who come to the shops with their vehicles should be encouraged to park in a systematic manner. Necessary action should be taken by constantly communicating with the shopkeepers and taking their suggestions to improve traffic. Collector Mr. Ashish Singh directed that action should be taken against those who affect traffic despite advice. He directed that the beat team should inspect the designated area at different times every day. In the meeting, Collector Mr. Singh directed that private hospitals which have built basements with parking permission but are not parking vehicles there and other activities are being conducted. Parking should be ensured in the basements of all such institutions. It is noteworthy that under the guidance of Collector Mr. Singh, 81 beats have been designated for traffic control and improvement in the city. Necessary responsibilities have been assigned to the officers of revenue, police and municipal corporation.

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