July 8, 2024

News Buddy


Questions have power, it’s soul of democracy: Ajay Chandrakar

2 min read

Raipur(TEAM NEWS BUDDY).In the first session of the second day of the two-day enlightenment program organized to make the newly elected MLAs of Chhattisgarh Assembly aware of the functioning of the Assembly and parliamentary procedures, MLA and former Minister Ajay Chandrakar addressed the Question Hour as a guest speaker. Gave detailed information regarding importance, types of questions, half an hour discussion, topics. In the second session of the program, former Assembly Speaker Dr. Prem Prakash Pandey gave detailed information to the MLAs about the budget, the process of making the budget, its types and determination. On this occasion, Health Minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal, Finance Minister O.P. Chaudhary, Assembly Secretary Dinesh Sharma were also present.

Addressing the newly elected MLAs, Ajay Chandrakar said that questions have great power. This is the soul of democracy. Through this the public’s reports are reflected. By using Question Hour properly one can become a strong MLA. The Executive, Legislature and Cabinet are also collectively responsible for Question Hour. Through this the work of the state is brought before the public. Former Assembly Speaker Dr. Prem Prakash Pandey informed the newly elected MLAs about the meaning of the budget, the process of making the budget, its types and determination. He said that economic control is seen through the Accountant General, Executive and committees of the Assembly, so that financial discipline is maintained. The upcoming budget is decided only after looking at the economic situation. In the enlightenment program, Health Minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal expressed gratitude to Ajay Chandrakar and Pandaria MLA Bhavna Bohra expressed gratitude to former assembly Dr. Prem Prakash Pandey.

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