June 29, 2024

News Buddy


New ration cards are being made for self-promotion: Sushil Anand

2 min read

The public is being harassed by putting up photos of the Chief Minister, Food Minister

Raipur (TEAM NEWS BUDDY).The Chief Minister and the Food Minister are changing the ration cards to get their photos printed for self-promotion. State Congress Communication Department President Sushil Anand Shukla said that the ration card currently made in Chhattisgarh and the PDS system of the state. , the only system in the country where ration is given only after fingerprinting. All the ration cards that have been made have been linked to the Aadhaar card. After such a foolproof system, what was the need to make a new ration card again? The people sitting in the government are going to make 72 lakh families of Chhattisgarh stand in the queue again just to put up their photo and for self-promotion, this is anti-people work of BJP. Congress party strongly condemns this.

State Congress Communication Department President Sushil Anand Shukla said that in the name of ration card renewal, BJP is showing its old character. Before this, whenever BJP has come to government after elections. In the name of renewal of ration card and verification of ration card, deduction has been made. This time too, the process of renewal is being adopted with the aim of cutting the ration cards of a large number of people, so that at least people have to be given ration at concessional rates, the government does not want to give ration to the people, first declares for 5 years. Will give free ration till now, now there is a conspiracy to reduce the ration card.

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