September 19, 2024

News Buddy

Governor Harichandan addresses second session of 6th CG Legislative Assembly

2 min read

Raipur(TEAM NEWS BUDDY).Governor Vishwabhushan Harichandan today addressed the second session of the 6th Assembly of Chhattisgarh and read the address.
On reaching the Assembly, Governor Harichandan was welcomed by Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai, Leader of Opposition Dr. Charan Das Mahant, and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Brijmohan Aggarwal.

The original text of the address is as follows: Honorable Members,
I heartily congratulate you in this first session of Chhattisgarh Assembly organized in the year 2024. I send my congratulations and best wishes to all of you.
The sixth assembly of Chhattisgarh was formed in December 2023. In my address to the first session of the newly constituted Assembly on 20 December 2023, I had said that my government is based on the efforts of the former Prime Minister, the creator of the state of Chhattisgarh, the Honorable Late. It is determined to start a new era of good governance in Chhattisgarh as per the ideals and principles of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and the current Prime Minister Honorable Narendra Modi. I am happy that in a short period, my government has taken concrete steps towards fulfilling the promises made to the people, due to which a new era of justice, relief and development has started in the state. My government has rapidly implemented the concept of “Prosperous Farmer-Prosperous State” and has transferred the outstanding bonus of paddy of the year amounting to Rs 3 thousand 716 crore. The promise of purchasing 21 quintals of paddy per acre from the farmers at support price was also kept and a transparent and easy system of paddy purchase was also made, due to which the record of highest paddy purchase so far has been established in Chhattisgarh this year. The motto “Jati Uthan – Honor of the State” expresses the sensitivity and positive thinking of my government on all aspects related to the life of Scheduled Tribes. Work will be done rapidly on all subjects ranging from children’s education to culture of the entire community, health, essential infrastructure, employment, upgradation of living standards.

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