September 19, 2024

News Buddy

Upasana Seva Foundation hosts programme on World Cancer Day

2 min read

Raipur (Team Newsbuddy) On World Cancer Day, an awareness program was organized by Upasana Seva Foundation at Vasundhara Nagar Garden, Changorabhatha Raipur, through which a resolution was taken to make every section of the society aware regarding precautions to avoid deadly diseases like cancer. The programme started with garlanding the picture of Bharat Mata. After the introduction of the guests, the guests were honored by the members of Upasana Seva Foundation and then the chief speaker’s address was received.
The program received the guidance of Dr. Preeti Raut ji (M.D. Radiation Oncology) as the keynote speaker, who is a famous oncologist and is currently serving at Jagannath Multispeciality Hospital, Raipur. During her address, Dr. Preeti first explained in detail the precautions to be taken to identify cancer on the basis of symptoms and to avoid it and said that since cancer is genetic, all the members of the affected family should be examined at the right time. By exercising caution and wisdom, even a cancer patient can recover and live a normal life, therefore, whenever symptoms appear, do not hide them, contact a specialist immediately. There is a need to understand the cancer rather than to panic about it. We should not be afraid of cancer. Don’t have to fight and only get so much by fighting.
Dr. Preeti’s speech increased the curiosity about cancer in the society due to which many people asked questions during the quiz. Not only men but women also participated in this quiz to learn from Dr. about cancer related to women and pledged to remain alert.
The programme was presided over by Mr. Ratikant Sahu, President of Upasana Seva Foundation, who in his presidential address expressed his gratitude to all the social workers and asked all the gentlemen present in the program to keep making every section of the society aware on the basis of the knowledge gained related to cancer.

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