July 8, 2024

News Buddy


Sai’s government budget is pro-corporate, deceiving poor people of state: Saura Yadav

2 min read

Raipur(TEAM NEWS BUDDY).Communist Party of India (Marxist Leninist) Red Star State Secretary Comrade Saura said that the budget of Vishnu Devsai government of Chhattisgarh presented by Finance Minister OP Chaudhary in the Assembly is anti-people and pro-corporate. The government has stated the size of the budget to be Rs 1,47,500 crore, which is definitely an increase of 22 percent from the previous budget, but is nothing compared to the current inflation. There is no clarity as to how and when the general public will get the benefit of this. Vishnu Dev Sai’s BJP government is saying that it is claiming 10 lakh crore GDP in 5 years. These are just phrases used by the Modi government. Whereas after Covid, unemployment and inflation are extremely high. There is nothing in this budget to reduce inflation and increase employment opportunities. This government, in the name of religious fanaticism, philosophy of Ramlala, Shakti Peeth, is destroying the basic needs of the people of the state. She is trying to divert attention from the problems.
Whereas the state government remains a slave or debtor of predatory banks like World Bank (W.B) and Asian Development Bank (ADB). Even after the Covid pandemic, the government has not learned a lesson. There is a strong need to further increase the budget of education and health. There is no mention in the budget on the support price for the purchase of all the crops of the farmers throughout the year. After purchasing the minimum support price, farmers are forced to sell the remaining crop to traders at throwaway prices, the government has no clear policy on this. It has been mentioned about tourism in Bastar and Surguja, but in the tribal dominated areas of Bastar, tribals have been protesting for the last 10 months at different places and the police repression on them is continuing. Gram Sabha, profession law, Fifth Schedule are being disregarded continuously, not a single word has been said on that.

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