July 8, 2024

News Buddy


Narayanpur farmer suicide issue echos in house, opposition stage walked out

2 min read

Raipur(TEAM NEWS BUDDY)After a gap of two days, the proceedings of Chhattisgarh Assembly resumed . During the sixth day of proceedings, opposition MLAs created ruckus on many issues. Congress MLA Lakheshwar Baghel raised the issue of Hiru, a farmer from Narayanpur who committed suicide due to not being able to repay the loan through attention. Baghel said that farmer Hiru had taken a loan of Rs 1 lakh 82 thousand from the bank.
In the elections, a promise was made to waive off loans up to Rs 2 lakh. The farmer committed suicide because the new government went back on its promises. Responding to this, Cooperative Minister Kedar Kashyap said that farmer Hiru did not commit suicide because he could not repay the loan. The farmer had not taken loan from any bank. They had consumed poison due to a mutual dispute.

During the first question hour, the issue of work done in Bastar, Surguja and Central Region Development Authority was echoed. During Question Hour, Congress MLA Lakheshwar Baghel asked how many works and amounts have been sanctioned by the tribal development authorities from the year 2023 to January 10, 2024. He also alleged that small works involving small amounts have been stopped, due to which people are getting troubled. On this, Tribal Development Minister Ramvichar Netam said that where the layout was not done, it has been cancelled. He said that the new government has come, we will reconsider it according to the intentions of the people. A new authority will be formed. You will also be included in this. During the question hour, BJP MLA Motilal Sahu raised the issue of the status of Prayas schools. He demanded investigation and action into the irregularities in Prayas residential schools.

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