July 1, 2024

News Buddy


Naxalites attack CAF company commander, kill him

1 min read

Sukma. Naxalites are not desisting from their nefarious activities. The small action team of Naxalites attacked the company commander of Chhattisgarh Armed Forces (CAF) from behind with a hangman on his neck in a crowded market of Darbha. Due to this the young man attained martyrdom on the spot. There was chaos in the market after the incident. The Naxalites fled from the spot after committing the crime.
According to the information, the company commander of the CAF camp, Tijauram Bhuarya, who was on market duty in the weekly market of Darbha in the Kutru police station area of ​​Bijapur district, was killed by the small action team of Naxalites by attacking him with a sword. Tujau Ram Bhuarya, posted in Darbha of the fourth battalion of CAF, Mana Raipur Company, was originally a resident of Kanker. The incident has been confirmed by Kutru police station in-charge Rajiv Srivastava.

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