July 1, 2024

News Buddy


Desserted villages adjacent to China settled again

2 min read

By Varsha Sharma

4G network, 24 hour electricity, hospital, school, the villages near China borders are now equipped with all these facilities. Even tourists can come here without any hindrance.
Kibithu village of Anjaw district, located on the banks of Lohit river in Arunachal Pradesh, is just 20 km away from the China border. Currently, 26 families live here. The population is 143. Earlier, there were barely 10 families. There was no phone, no electricity. People could reach here only on foot through the mountains. When the villagers started migrating, the area which was very sensitive from the security point of view started getting empty. Many development works have been done here under the Vibrant Scheme. Now there are 5 mobile network towers. The army has opened the first bakery on the border. Prem Kumar Sonam, who runs it, says that the optical fiber cable will be laid this month. Earlier, we used to go to the border from the village.
47 normal and 16 main roads are being built. District Deputy Commissioner Talo Jerang says that works worth 370 crores are to be done here. Health centers, schools up to 8th standard, badminton courts have been built. There is electricity for 24 hours. We are also starting homestays. This year the school will be up to 10th standard. Houses have been built for teachers in the village itself so that they do not have to go out. With the construction of roads, tourists have also started coming. To stop migration, villagers have been made porters in the army. People have been taught modern methods of farming. This small town was the main center of conflict in the Indo-China war of 1962. You will see the Chinese military post from the front on the other side of the Lohit river.

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