October 6, 2024

News Buddy


BJP has no concrete solution to stop inflation, unemployment – Dr. Mahant

1 min read

Raipur (Team Newsbuddy): Chhattisgarh Assembly Leader of Opposition Dr. Charandas Mahant termed the election manifesto released by the Bharatiya Janata Party as nothing more than a hoax and said that it neither talks about anything to provide relief to the people suffering from inflation and the youth suffering from severe unemployment nor does it have any solution. This manifesto is disappointing in which the BJP has only and only deceived the public in the name of resolution for its own benefit. Till date, they have not been able to implement MSP for farmers. There is a lot of difference between BJP’s words and actions, which the public has been seeing for the last 10 years. In 10 years, the BJP government at the Center could not do anything special and now by showing dreams of 2047, they are trying to arbitrarily distort the Constitution and democracy of the country. The people of the country will no longer be misled by them.

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