July 5, 2024

News Buddy


Liquor sale: CG government to start cashless scheme

2 min read

Raipur (Team Newsbuddy): The Chhattisgarh government is now starting the facility of cashless payment in the liquor shops of the state. For a long time, there were complaints that in many liquor shops of the state, liquor is being sold for more than the price fixed by the government. This has also caused a lot of dissatisfaction among liquor consumers.

At present, liquor is sold by scanning the QR code marked on each bottle and receiving cash payment, but in the past years this system has proved to be faulty due to many reasons. Now with the introduction of cashless payment facility through online payment and payment through UPI, more than the prescribed amount will not be taken in liquor shops. Liquor will be sold in a more systematic manner, this will reduce the crowd at the liquor counters, will also get rid of the problem of change and will also save people’s time.

The priority of Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai’s government is to curb corruption in the state by ensuring maximum transparency in all government departments. The facility of cashless payment is a small step taken in this sequence. In the initial stages, this facility is being started in premium foreign liquor shops as a pilot project. If it is successful, it will be started in other shops as well.

Chhattisgarh State Marketing Corporation Limited has taken the initiative to implement this system. Shop-wise QR Code is being obtained from banks, which will be pasted outside each liquor shop. After scanning the QR Code, liquor can be purchased at the prescribed retail sale rate. In this sequence, first of all, the process of paying the price of liquor through credit/debit card from P.O.S. machine will be adopted in premium foreign liquor shops, after its success, digital transaction facility will be arranged in other liquor shops as well.

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