July 3, 2024

News Buddy


Encounter in Abujhmad: Some Naxalites receive bullet injuries

1 min read

Dantewada (Team Newsbuddy): The encounter between security forces and Naxalites is going on in the border of Bijapur, Dantewada and Narayanpur districts. More than 1 thousand soldiers have gone out on the operation from all three districts. Intermittent firing is going on since morning. At the same time, some Naxalites have been shot. In which two Naxalites are said to be killed.

According to the information received, the police had received information that big cadre Naxalites are present in Rekawaya area of ​​​​Abujhmad. Based on this information, the police force has launched a joint operation. In which more than 1 thousand soldiers of DRG and STF from Dantewada, Bastar and Narayanpur districts had gone out on the operation. During this, an encounter took place with the force in Narayanpur in the morning.

It will be clear after the arrival of the soldiers: Dantewada SP
However, the news of some Naxalites getting shot has also come out. This has not been officially confirmed by the Naxalites. Regarding this entire matter, Dantewada ASP Gaurav Rai said that there has been firing with the Narayanpur police team. Nothing can be said about this, it will become clear only when the soldiers return.

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