September 28, 2024

News Buddy

Call for unity of wider working class against anti-labour policies

2 min read

Raipur(Team Newsbuddy): The corporate-friendly policies of the BJP’s Modi government have destroyed the lives of the working class, due to which today the working class of the country is a victim of inhuman exploitation. This government has sown the poison of the hateful communal division policy to weaken the resistance of the working class. The working class of the country will have to build a broad unity to defeat it. CITU State Secretary Kam Dharmaraj Mahapatra said the above while calling for unity of the wider working class against the anti-labour and anti-people policies of the Modi government in a discussion organized on the 54th foundation day of CITU. This discussion was organized at the State Office Noorani Chowk on the foundation day of CITU on 30 May. Addressing the discussion, Comrade Mohapatra said that after the formation of CITU in 1970, there was a qualitative change in the struggle against exploitation of workers in the trade union movement of the country and today, with the initiative of CITU, unity was created among all the labour organisations of the country under whose leadership the working class of the country organised 22 strikes against the policies of privatisation and liberalisation. The speakers strongly opposed the Modi government’s demonetisation and then GST and then handing over the basic sectors like public sector banks, insurance, coal, defence, steel, transport, education, health to private capitalists in the name of National Monetisation Pipeline and termed the move to change labour laws and make four labour codes as enslaving the workers and demanded its withdrawal. While praising the farmers’ movement of the country against the agricultural law, he emphasised on the strong joint struggle of workers and farmers to save agriculture and the factories of the country. Accusing the BJP and its government of using communal sentiments to weaken the workers’ struggle on the issue of wages, inflation, employment guarantee and livelihood, he called upon the working class to understand these conspiracies and strengthen the class unity of the working class against class exploitation.

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