July 5, 2024

News Buddy


It will be asked, why did Congress lose 10 seats?

2 min read

Raveesh Benjamin

Raipur : In politics, even a small mistake causes a big loss, such a big loss that it cannot be compensated. Its consequences have to be borne. The losing party as well as its big leaders, such big leaders who have the responsibility of winning the election. The Chhattisgarh Congress did not know the solution it had thought of to win the Lok Sabha elections, that because of this, 10 out of its 11 candidates would lose. Congress had thought that if the people who were CM and Minister in the Congress government are made candidates in the Lok Sabha elections, then Congress can win all the seats.

Under this strategy, former CM Bhupesh Baghel was made the candidate from Rajnandgaon, former minister Tamradhwaj Sahu, former minister Shiv Dahria, former minister Kawasi Lakhma were made candidates. It was thought that Congress will definitely win these five seats, but Congress lost these five seats and the number of lost seats became ten. Only Jyotsna Mahant was able to save her seat. When the party loses badly due to some mistake, then the number of people giving advice, giving reasons for the defeat, asking the reason for the defeat increases. BJP’s Deputy Chief Minister Sao has asked former CM Bhupesh Baghel who is responsible for this shameful defeat of Congress. His question is justified because along with winning the Rajnandgaon seat, Bhupesh Baghel also had the responsibility of making Congress win. He could neither win the election from his seat nor could he make the party win in the Lok Sabha elections. Bhupesh Baghel used to take the credit for the victory in the assembly and by-elections, the credit for the defeat in the assembly is also given to him, so no leader in Chhattisgarh has taken the credit for the defeat in the Lok Sabha elections so far, so Deputy CM Sao is asking that someone should tell who is responsible for this big defeat.

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