July 1, 2024

News Buddy


4 crore saplings will be planted to increase greenery in Chhattisgarh

2 min read

Forest department preparations in full swing for massive plantation campaign

Raipur (Team Newsbuddy): In accordance with the wishes of Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai and as per the instructions of Forest and Climate Change Minister Kedar Kashyap, preparations are in full swing by the Forest Department to increase greenery and forest conservation in Chhattisgarh. Under this, the work of planting and distribution of 3 crore 93 lakh 28 thousand saplings will be done on a large scale under various schemes in the rainy season of the year 2024 in the state.

Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Forest Force Chief V. Srinivas Rao said that under this, the state will be covered with greenery by planting 38 lakh 68 thousand plants in 3927 hectares and 57 kilometers under the departmental scheme, 4 thousand 900 plants in 11 kilometers under MNREGA scheme, 19 lakh 18 thousand plants in 2251 hectares under CAMPA and 8 lakh 63 thousand plants in 238 hectares under other schemes.

It is worth mentioning that under this massive plantation, 28 lakh 51 thousand fruit plants, which include plants of species like mango, jamun, bael, jackfruit, custard apple, pomegranate, mulberry, almond, plum, tendu, Ganga tamarind etc. will be planted, so that the wild animals living in the forests can get food easily and the conflict between wild animals and humans can be controlled. In the same sequence, 49 lakh 36 thousand minor forest produce and medicinal plants like Putrajiva, Kala Siras, Sindoori, Garuda, Reetha, Chitrak, Aloe Vera, Giloy, Adhatoda, Ashwagandha, Sarpagandha, Tulsi, Chota Karonda etc. and 24 lakh 71 thousand bamboo plants will be planted and distributed, so that the tribals and common people dependent on forests can get easy employment from it.

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