July 3, 2024

News Buddy


Who is responsible for millions of deaths due to air pollution?

3 min read

From Newsbuddy Desk

It is said that if there is life, there is the world, but due to increasing pollution in India, both life and the world are in danger. The ‘poison’ of pollution dissolved in the air of the country reaching dangerous conditions many times is a big cause of concern. Despite many restrictions and instructions on pollution, the talk of pollution control is proving to be hollow. What kind of society is this where the environment, one’s own health or the convenience and inconvenience of others have no meaning for a person. The lifestyle has become such that man started doing everything to live but forgot the meaning of living itself. This worsening situation has been described in the report released in partnership with UNICEF and America’s independent research institute ‘Health Effects Institute’. The figures of this report are disturbing, shameful and worrisome, in which it has been said that 21 lakh Indians will die due to air pollution in the year 2021. What is more sad is that among those who died, 1.69 lakh are children, who have not yet seen the world properly. Certainly, these figures are distressing, worrying and disturbing. At the same time, this should be a matter of shame for the policy-makers of the government, but where is the shame on them? If they were ashamed at all, then the governments and their managers would have made serious efforts in this direction. It is the failures of the government that life is surrounded by inequalities and inconsistencies and it is not seeing any hope of light from anywhere.
Deadly air pollution is a serious problem not only for India but for the whole world. In China too, 23 lakh people have died due to air pollution during this period. As far as the total number of deaths in the whole world is concerned, it is said to be around 81 lakh. The matter of concern is that in terms of the total number of people dying from air pollution in India and China, this figure is 54 percent at the global level. Which shows the failure of our system, poverty and the negligence and carelessness of the government and administration in controlling pollution. The carelessness of the common man is also no less in this. The common man does not know the main reasons due to which he is spreading pollution and how he can cooperate in controlling this deadly pollution. The question is why the common man and his lifestyle spread air pollution so carelessly? Why is man not afraid of death? Why is he not afraid? The people of the country are facing a complex phase of sorrow, pain and insensitivity, problems like pollution scare and frighten by wearing new masks. The irony is that instead of finding a solution to this worsening problem, the governments of different states indulge in political allegations and counter-allegations, deliberately spread pollution so that they can defame each other. It is unfortunate that there is blatant politics even in the name of pollution.

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