July 3, 2024

News Buddy


Fund constraints halt Tulsi Nagar bridge construction

2 min read

Indore (Team Newsbuddy): The construction work on the Tulsi Nagar bridge in the city has been halted due to fund constraints. Sources close to the construction company have indicated that the work has been stalled for over two weeks because of a delay in the release of funds by the Indore Municipal Corporation. When the local corporator was asked about the reasons for the halt, he claimed to be unaware of the situation. Workers involved in the construction are also clueless about the reasons behind the stoppage. When contacted, the contractor of the construction company, denied that the work had been stopped but admitted that the work had slowed down due to the delay in fund release. He mentioned that the necessary paperwork for fund release has been submitted to the Municipal Corporation and assured that once the funds are released, construction will resume at full speed.
KK Jha and Rajesh Tomar, the convenor and president of the Ward 36-37 Residents Federation, said that thousands of vehicles pass through this important bridge connecting Nipania, Pipliya Kumar, and the bypass with the rest of the city. The congestion at the bridge leads to heavy traffic jams daily, causing significant inconvenience to the people.
Construction of the road between the Tulsi Nagar culvert and BCM Paradise intersection is yet to commence. Sanjay Yadav and Shambhunath Singh, residents of Tulsi Nagar, pointed out that aside from the delay in the bridge construction, the single-lane dilapidated road between the Tulsi Nagar bridge and BCM Paradise intersection creates severe difficulties for vehicles traveling on this route. The presence of an open drain beside this road increases the risk of accidents. They also mentioned that the Indore Municipal Corporation had removed encroachments six months ago to widen the road from Tulsi Nagar bridge to the BCM Paradise intersection, but the road work has not started yet. This has resulted in continuous traffic obstructions on this route.

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