October 6, 2024

News Buddy


RCF convention: Stand in solidarity against genocide of Palestinian by Israel

4 min read

Raipur (Team Newsbuddy): A convention was organised at Raipur by Revolutionary Cultural Forum ( RCF) against the genocide of Palestinians by zeonist Israel .Com. Prasad Rao ( Convenor,Jan Sanghrsh Morcha Chhattisgarh) was chaired and Com. Tuhin ( All India Convenor,RCF) was given keynote address.Other speakers were comrades Saura( SC secretary, CPI ML RED STAR), Kaladas Dehriya( Convenor,CMM Mazdur karykarta Samiti and Rela Cultural Group),Bipasha Rao( RCF), Advocate Shakir Quraishi ( Convenor ,Rashtriya Muslim Morcha and member Jan Sanghrsh Morcha Chhattisgarh),Altamas Siddique, Advocate JS Kailasia and Advocate Bhanjan Jangde( three are social activists). Com. Pramod( RCF) conducted the programme and Com. Hemant Tandon( State Convenor,AIKKS) gave vote of thanks.Comrades Bipasha Rao,Kaladas and Kalam Singh ( Rela) presented revolutionary songs.In the convention a resolution was passed unanimously that” Immediate ceasefire in Gaza ,Israel must halt genocide of Palestinians in Gaza,all necessary humanitarian help/ relief by International Community should be ensured.Modi govt.must not provide any kind of help to rogue state war criminal Israel including weapons and bring back Indian workers from the dangerous war affected area of Palestine to India by providing them proper compensation.We will continue to raise our voice in favour of free Palestine because this is a fight to save humanity.”

All speakers were explained the plight of Palestinians created by Israel and US Imperialism. A poster has become very popular expressing the pain of the piles of dead bodies in Palestine and the razed Gaza. “When you go to school, remember thatonce upon a time there were schools and universities in Gaza too.” Do not forget. The Zionist war criminal Israel, at the instigation of America, has been carrying out a horrific massacre for ethnic cleansing of Palestinian Arabs in Gaza since last October 2023. The remaining population of Palestine was forcibly sent by Israel from the south to the north Gaza to Rafah. Now the killer state Israel is carrying out a horrific genocide in Rafah, crossing all limits of barbarism. Till now, Israel has killed about 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza and the surrounding Palestinian areas. Fifty percent of them are children, patients undergoing treatment in hospitals and innocent Palestinians living in refugee camps (which Israel was calling safe areas). In this horrific crime against humanity, Israel is getting a lot of weapons and other help from its master American imperialism. Humanity is groaning over what is happening in Gaza. Today, the entire Palestine including Gaza has become a huge graveyard. In 1948, Palestine was a happy and cheerful Palestine, which was forcibly evicted from their land by western imperialist countries like America and Britain, by passing a resolution in their stooge United Nations Organization (UNO), by killing Palestinians on a large scale, by bringing Jews from all over the world and settling them in the entire Palestine including Jerusalem, and created the country of Israel. The Palestinian people call this incident “Naqba” (Arabic) (Disaster) or terrible apocalypse.

For the last 75 years, mass slaughter has been going on in the entire Palestine including Gaza. The whole world is sighing. American Imperialism needs a ferocious pet or henchman for its imperialist interests in the Middle East / West Asia and who can be better than Israel. Many Arab countries, Europe, Asia and South America, who lick the feet of America, are standing with the cruel Israel. These countries are applauding the genocide conducted by Israel not only in Gaza, Rafah but also in Palestinian refugee camps located in Lebanon and Syria. Many stooge countries of America and NATO and the imperialist corporate media, standing with the Palestinians in their life and death battle, are calling Hamas (which the people of Gaza voted for and made win to run the Palestinian administration in the 2006 general elections), Hezbollah and leftist organizations like PFLP as terrorists, but are not saying a single word about the murderous Israel.

Vishwaguru India, which talks about world peace for show, but never condemns the genocide committed by Israel on the international platform. Moreover, the fascist Modi government, on the instructions of its guide, the world’s largest and oldest fascist organization RSS, supports Israel globally under the weapon of American imperialism and the Israeli government to spread hatred, Islamophobia (spreading poison in the society by showing the bogey or fear of Islam or Muslims). The Indian government did not support the proposal of the United Nations for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, accusing Israel of war crimes on the initiative of South Africa. Rather, the Indian government is engaged in supplying ammunition to Israel, which is hell-bent on wiping out Palestine. Along with this, it is sending the poor labourers of India to the destroyed war zone at the behest of Israel at the cost of their lives.

The demand for “immediate ceasefire in Gaza and Palestine being free from the river to the sea” is getting tremendous support from all over the world. A large number of students are demonstrating in support of this in every city of every country in Europe, in various universities of Europe and America.

We appeal to all the justice loving and peace loving people present in this convention of Revolutionary Cultural Forum (Kasam) to maintain our solidarity with Palestine, which is forced to suffer extreme barbarism today. Because doing so is the call of the hour today.

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