September 19, 2024

News Buddy

CPI (ML) Red Star condoles tragically demise of people in Kerala landslides

2 min read

Raipur (Team Newsbuddy ): CPI (ML) Red Star puts on record its heartfelt condolences on the death of large of number of people, majority of the victims being the toiling oppressed, in the landslides in Wayanad, Kerala, the death toll already being more than 260.
Of course, though the recurring landslides across the entire ecologically fragile Western Ghats, as experts point out, are to be evaluated in the broader/macro context of threatening global climate catastrophe and such phenomena as “cumulonimbus cloud”, global warming, etc., there are many concrete/micro factors that enhance the climate disasters in Kerala. For, according to the national-level data base created by ISRO, Western Ghat region of Kerala is very high on Landslide Atlas.

However, the ruling regimes in the State and at the Centre, hand in glove with greedy corporates and real-estate mafia, have become facilitators of plunder of nature and forests driving the tribal people and the toiling and oppressed living in these areas to devastation and destruction. Almost 13 years ago, the Gadgil Report, in spite of its limitations such as neglect of socio-economic factors pertaining to State, pointed out the impending catastrophe, all the ruling class party coalitions led by CPI (M), Congress and BJP along with the leadership of Catholic Church in Kerala, who are in the forefront of Western Ghats encroachment, were attacking the Report and even unitedly conducted a Bandh against it. And regarding the flourishing plunder of nature, the corporate mafia and the ruling regime are still moving in tandem. As a result, since the formation of Kerala State in 1956 alone, forestland in Wayanad District has been reduced by more than half.

In this horrific situation, and in the context of intensifying global climate crisis, the only alternative is a reversal of the ongoing neoliberal-corporatisation whose main essence today is outright plunder of nature. It is upto the people and all democratic forces to rise up and reverse this pro-corporate trend with a pro-people, pro-nature and pro-women development paradigm, which is the only alternative today.

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