September 19, 2024

News Buddy

Youth celebrates Independence Day by donating blood

2 min read

Raipur (Team Newsbuddy): Nehru Yuva Kendra, Raipur Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India organized a blood donation camp in Takshila Library on the occasion of International Youth Day and Independence Day. The said blood donation camp was organized in collaboration with Bilasa Blood Center, which is a branch of Shri Rawatpura Sarkar Lok Kalyan Trust.

Arpit Tiwari, District Youth Officer, Nehru Yuva Kendra Raipur said that through blood donation, people have to be motivated to donate blood and lead a healthy life. He said that by donating 01 unit of blood, we can save 03 lives. He further said that regular blood donation increases the immunity of a person and also reduces the risk of diseases like diabetes and blood pressure.

Sunita Chansoria, Program Officer, NSS, Durga College, said that it is very important to make the youth aware about blood donation. Every year 5 lakh units of blood are required in the country, of which not even 50 percent is fulfilled.

In the said blood donation camp, more than 50 youths from Nehru Yuva Kendra Raipur’s Yuva Mandal, Durga College volunteers and Takshila Library donated blood, out of which 40 percent were girls and 80 percent were donating blood for the first time. To encourage all the blood donors, they were felicitated with attractive prizes and certificates.

Dr. Kamini Bawankar, District Program Officer, National Literacy Mission, while donating blood for the first time, pledged to donate blood regularly.

Pitambar Patel donated blood for 50th time while Devvrat Nayak donated blood for 33rd time

They told that they donate blood at least twice every year and also inspired the youth to donate blood. Patel ji told that due to regular blood donation, he has no disease even at the age of 51 and is completely healthy.

Along with this, the youth were also made aware about HIV AIDS and its prevention. Sakshi Gautam, Bilas Blood Bank head along with Devashish Patel, Vasudev Patel, Suraj and other volunteers cooperated in the program.

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