September 19, 2024

News Buddy

Take responsibility of security in your area yourself: Alawa

5 min read

State Press Club (MP) hosts group discussion on Kolkata incident

Indore(Team Newsbuddy): Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police Seema Alawa said in the group discussion centered on the heinous murder of a junior doctor in West Bengal that to prevent such incidents, every person will have to take responsibility of security in their respective areas. Domestic violence, molestation or crime related to women will have to be stopped at the primary level itself.

Alawa was addressing the group discussion organized by State Press Club, M.P. and Women’s Press Club, M.P. She said that the incident in West Bengal is worse than a bestial act. Even under the influence of drugs, criminals commit such brutal acts. She told that recently there have been amendments in the laws regarding crimes against women. Now the FIR and investigation of crimes against women are done by women sub-inspectors only. In the court also, statements under section 164 and their video recording have started happening in front of a woman magistrate. Women magistrates are also hearing crimes against women. Necessary amendments have also been made in the laws regarding witnesses. Now it is hoped that the criminals will get quick and strict punishment.

Alawa said that we will have to be vigilant for security in our work and residential areas. Internal complaint committees will have to be formed in every public and private office so that such incidents can be stopped at the primary level itself. She expressed concern that in the last three years, due to indifference, no complaint of internal complaint committee has come to the police department. There is also a provision of penalty up to 50 thousand rupees for not forming an internal complaint committee.

Senior doctor Dr. Vinita Kothari said that the way people associated with the medical community are being targeted in many states is worrying. It takes three times more time and money to prepare a doctor as compared to other courses. In such a situation, if doctors are made soft targets and attacked, then this situation will prove to be harmful for the society in future. Dr. Kothari said that a junior doctor from West Bengal had tried to expose the illegal activities going on in the hospital, due to which a barbaric incident happened with her. Even after the murder, a crowd of thousands attacked the hospital to erase the evidence of the illegal activities. He urged the common people not to punish the doctors who treat patients for the alleged mistakes of corporate hospitals.

Social worker Mala Thakur said that there is a great need to inculcate values ​​in the family. Instead of Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao, it is important to make Beta Padhao, Beti Bachao meaningful. She suggested that CCTV cameras should be installed in sufficient numbers in offices of more than 1500 square feet. Young women should also take advantage of NCC, NSS and self-defense camps for their own safety. Innovations like Nagar Suraksha Samiti should also be implemented effectively.

Doctor Dr. S.C. Jha said that it is very important to teach values ​​from home. Good values ​​will lead to a good society and a good government. He said that there are strict laws against criminals in the country and new laws have also been made recently, but those who break the law also come forward at the same speed. He said that there should be provisions for strict punishment like Arab countries against heinous crimes. He also said that in the present times, Govind will not come for protection. We have to protect ourselves.

Advocate Swati Mehta said that due to lack of education and drug addiction, criminals commit heinous crimes. Due to OTT platforms and free internet service, the tendency to do despicable acts also develops in the minds of criminals. He said that due to lack of judges in the courts, it takes time to get justice. Due to influential people and leaders, witnesses also refuse to tell the truth. This is the reason why the scale of punishment in the cases is low. He appealed to the police administration to take strict action against drug addicts.

Advocate Pankaj Wadhwani said that between Independence Day and Raksha Bandhan festival, the country is going through tremendous depression, which is a shameful incident for the common Indian. He said that according to official figures, 31600 rape cases were registered in the year 2021 and 32000 in the year 2022, in which Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi are at the top. He also said that the ratio of punishment in rape cases is less than that of murder cases. He said that women are made easy targets due to lack of immunity. Amendments have been made in the law 12 years after the Nirbhaya incident. It is hoped that this will help in getting the criminals punished.

Doctor Dr. Shaifali Ojha said that the entire society is agitated by the incident in West Bengal and every parent seems worried about their daughters. He has suggested deploying security personnel with licensed weapons in hospitals, educational institutions and offices. He expressed concern that the police do not take strict action against criminals who commit minor crimes and roam around fearlessly. These are the ones who later become dreaded criminals.

Psychiatrist Dr. Rohita Satish said that rape is taking place every 16 minutes in the country. Rape is a mental illness, only the weak commit rape. In our society, there is no practice of consulting a psychiatrist in the initial stages. A mentally deranged patient needs treatment.
Social workers Dr. Ram R.K., Dr. Bharat Sharma, Dr. Shweta Khasgiwala, Dr. Deepa Vanjani, Arvind Jain Ranjan , Meghna Badkas also addressed the group discussion. All the speakers strongly condemned this incident and demanded strict action against the culprits from the Central Government. They said that Ravana had done the same act with Sita and Dushasan-Duryodhan with Draupadi and at that time also influential people were seen standing with Ravana and Duryodhan. Even today the state governments are busy saving the criminals. All the speakers paid tribute to the departed soul by lighting candles and offering garlands.

In the beginning, Praveen Kumar Khariwal, President of State Press Club, M.P. introduced the topic of group discussion. Sheetal Rai, President of Women’s Press Club, M.P. expressed gratitude. Rachna Johri, Sonali Yadav, Jitendra Chaudhary, Sudesh Gupta, Bansi Lalwani, Pushkar Soni, Govind Lahoti, Arjun Nayak, Vijay Adichwal, Abhishek Sisodia, Jitendra Gupta, Praveen Dhanotiya, Sanjay Mehta etc were present in the program.

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