September 19, 2024

News Buddy

Naxalites hanged two villagers in public

1 min read

Bijapur (Team Newsbuddy). Big news is coming from Naxal-affected Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh. Here Naxalites have killed two villagers. Naxalites have hanged both the villagers to death in Jan Adalat. While a student was released. According to reports, Naxalites killed the villagers on suspicion of police informer. There is panic in the entire area after this incident.

The police have not received any information regarding this incident at present. Police efforts are on to find out when the incident happened and other information including the names of the killed villagers. Due to the incident happening in the interior area, no one is giving clear information.
Naxalites killed two villagers on suspicion of police informers

According to the information, Naxalites have killed two villagers in Bijapur. According to reports, the Naxalites hanged these two villagers to death in a ‘Jan Adalat’. This incident is said to have been done on suspicion of police informers.

According to the information, the Naxalites caught both the villagers in a remote village of Bijapur district on Friday night. It is alleged that the Naxalites organized a Jan Adalat on suspicion of them informing the police. After this, both these villagers were hanged publicly

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