July 8, 2024

News Buddy


Man opens fires to scare away attacker, police arrest both culprits

1 min read

Raipur(TEAM NEWS BUDDY). In a bizarre incident that took place in the state capital late Saturday night, a man open fired with his licence pistol to scare away the attacker at Hyper Club. Both culprits have been taken into custody by Telibandha police and investigation is on.

According to the report Vikas Agrawal resident of Gudhiyari entered into a heated argument with Rohit Tomar, resident of Bhatgaon in the parking area of Hyper Club located in Telibandha. The issue of argument was related to an old affair with a girl, in which Rohit Tomar got angry over Vikas Agrawal. In his rage Rohit started vandalising Vikas parked car, in return Vikas Agrawal open fired from his licensed pistol to scare away the attacker. As soon as the information reached, Additional Superintendent of Police Lakhan Patle along with City Superintendent of Police Civil Line Manoj Dhruv along with the team reached the spot and took both culprits into custody. Meanwhile, CSP crime Dinesh Sinha informed that investigation is on and suitable action will be taken against both culprits.

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