July 8, 2024

News Buddy


Modi government’s failure will not be hidden by accusing previous governments of scams

2 min read

Modi has put country in debt

Raipur(TEAM NEWS BUDDY). Responding to BJP’s statement, senior state Congress spokesperson Dhananjay Singh Thakur said that Modi has put the country in debt, the debt has increased by Rs 150 lakh crore in 10 years. The White Paper regarding the economy is a certificate of Narendra Modi’s failure. Under the guise of the White Paper, BJP is trying its best to cover up the failures of the Narendra Modi government. The main objective of the white paper is to whitewash the many sins and shortcomings of the NDA government in the last 10 years. The white paper will not cover up the failure of the Modi government. The people of the country are aware and are aware of the rhetoric being given in the dhaporsankha style of the BJP leaders which shows dreams by talking big but the reality is something else.

Senior State Congress spokesperson Dhananjay Singh Thakur said that the state of the economy is GDP growth rate. Never before in a period of 5 years has India achieved a growth rate of 8 percent which was achieved in 2004, 2009 and before that in a period of 10 years. During this period, India never achieved the growth rate of 7.5 percent which it had achieved in 2004-2014. The three years between 2005-6 and 2007-8 recorded a golden period of growth when GDP grew at an average of 9.5 percent or more. The Indian economy recorded its best state performance in 2007-8 when Exchequer deficit was 2.5 percent and revenue deficit was 1.1 percent.

Dhananjay Singh Thakur said that the white lie paper will not hide the dark truth of the Modi government but will expose the failures of the Modi government. BJP leaders should study the data properly during NDA and UPA governments. GDP growth in UPA government was 7.46 percent, in NDA government it was 5.9 percent, government deficit was 4.5 percent, today it is 5.8 percent, national debt was 55 lakh crores, today it is 205 lakh crores. Debt to GDP ratio was 52 percent during UPA government in NDA. It’s 58 percent!

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