September 28, 2024

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SECR player selected for World Cross Country Championship

1 min read

Bilaspur. World Cross Country Competition has been organized in Belgrade, Serbia . South East Central Railway player Hemraj Gurjar has been selected to represent the Indian team participating in this competition.

Hemraj Gurjar is working as a Junior Clerk in the Accounts Department of South East Central Railway, Bilaspur. Currently, Hemraj Gurjar, a player of South East Central Railway, is the national champion in cross country.

The selection of a player of South East Central Railway on behalf of Indian Railways in the world-class competition of cross country has made this railway proud and has encouraged other players of this railway.

Along with Indian Railways, South East Central Railway has always encouraged sports and players. As a result of this, the players of this railway are being selected in various competitions organized in the country and abroad.

On the selection of the player of South East Central Railway in the Indian Railway team for the World Cross Country Competition, General Manager, South East Central Railway and the officials congratulated Hemraj Gurjar for his best performance.

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