September 22, 2024

News Buddy

Congress is repeatedly trying to scare its own country: Modi

1 min read

Kandhamal (Team Newsbuddy): Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a public meeting in Kandhamal, Odisha. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, 26 years ago on this day, Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s government conducted nuclear tests in Pokhran… One was the day when India introduced its strength to the world and the other was the thinking of the Congress, Congress repeatedly tries to scare people.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, they say be careful, Pakistan has atom bomb.These dead people are also killing the mind of the country. Congress always has such an attitude. Today the condition of Pakistan is such that now they have come out to sell bombs. Due to this weak attitude of Congress, the people of Jammu and Kashmir have suffered terrorism for 60 years. The country has suffered so many terrorist attacks that it cannot forget them.After the horrific 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, they did not have the courage to take action against those who patronised terrorism.

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